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How NOT to Train Your Dragon: 14 Hilarious (and Hopeless) Ways to Bend Your Firebreather To Your Bidding

So you've decided to “train” a dragon. Congratulations on your impending doom! Before you inevitably fail, why not try these spectacularly ineffective methods? Who knows, you might just survive long enough to tell the tale!


The Way to a Dragon's Heart (or Stomach)

That’s what they say; “The way to a dragon’s heart is through its stomach.” But make sure your dragoncookies are tasty and not too fatty, or you might find yourself making the trip through the dragon’s stomach instead of your tasty eats!

Pro tip: Avoid anything labeled "knight-flavored" – it only encourages bad habits.


Abracadabra, Ala-ka-ZZZZAP!

Fancy yourself a wizard? Try casting spells to control your dragon! Only 98% of species are magic-resistant, you might get lucky! Just remember that levitation spells are not an acceptable substitute for actual flight training.

Warning: Results may vary from "absolutely nothing" to "congratulations, you've successfully angered a magical creature that breathes fire for fun."


Dragon's Got Talent

Who doesn't love a good song? But be forewarned: your heartfelt rendition of "Puff the Magic Dragon" is more likely to inspire nap time (best case) or a fiery critique (worst case) than entice your draconic cohort to cooperate. A silencing spell is recommended if things happen to go wrong – for you or the dragon.


Flail Like Nobody's Watching

Express your desire for draconic cooperation through the art of dance! Watch as your dragon stares in confusion, not at all inspired to take flight to the skies with you astride it. Bonus points if you incorporate ribbon twirling – dragons love shiny, flammable objects!


Beg Your Way to Victory

Nothing says "alpha rider" like getting on your knees and begging your dragon not to eat you. Try phrases like "Pretty please with a princess on top?" and "I promise I'll clean your cave if you don't incinerate me."

Effectiveness at training your dragon: 0%.

Entertainment value for onlookers: Priceless.


Dragon Mind Games for the Overly Optimistic

Tell your dragon that it absolutely cannot fly you to the moon. Insist that fire-breathing is totally uninspired and you'd hate it if it ever did that. Then just wait for your dragon to rebel against your wishes (it will) and become the perfect steed (it won't)!

Self-Help Books:

"7 Habits of Highly Effective Dragons"

Leave copies of motivational books around your dragon's lair. Titles like "Feel the Fear and Burn It Anyway" or "The Subtle Art of Not Setting Everything on Fire" are sure to inspire... absolutely nothing, because dragons can't read. But hey, at least you'll have “How to Win Friends and Intimidate Peasants” to curl up with while you’re hiding from your untrained dragon.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em

Can't train your dragon? Become one, and hope it decides to bring you along for the flight! Dress up in a dragon costume and try to "blend in."

Best case scenario: Your dragon adopts you as a very strange-looking child.

Worst case: It sees you as a rival and challenges you to aerial combat.

Choose your disguise wisely.


You Are Getting Verrry Sleepy...

Swing a pendulum in front of your dragon's eyes and repeat, "You are getting sleepy... veeerrry sleepy… when you wake up, you'll be perfectly trained."

Warning: Side effects after your inadvertent nap (since dragons are far too strong-willed for hypnosis) may include dizziness, nausea, and an inexplicable urge to count your gold hoard.


There's an App for That

Download the latest version of the "Dragon Training Pro" app and follow its step-by-step guide. Features include a flame-resistance meter and a "Find My Dragon" function for when you inevitably fail and your would-be steed flies away. Remember to leave a 5-star review (if you survive)!


You're Good Enough, You're Smart Enough, and Gosh Darn It, Dragons Like You!

Start each day by looking your dragon in the eye and repeating positive affirmations. "You are a majestic creature capable of great things, like not eating me." Watch as your dragon's self-esteem soars... along with its complete disregard for your commands. Remember, a confident dragon is just a dragon that's more sure about its decision to use your femur as a toothpick.


Scents and Sensibility

Create a calming environment with essential oils and incense. Lavender for relaxation, peppermint for focus, and eau de barbecued sheep for appetite control.

Warning: Some dragons may be allergic to certain scents, resulting in fire-sneezing.


The Family Approach

Convince your dragon that you're its long-lost parent. Dress up as a larger dragon (stepladder and green tarp recommended) and practice your roaring. Attempt to ground your "teenage" dragon when it misbehaves.

Side effects may include identity crisis, rebellion phase, and awkward family dinners where you try not to be the main course.


One Dragon, One Vote

Establish a democratic system where you and your dragon vote on all decisions. Propose rules like "No eating the neighbors" and "No late-night roaring," or proposals like “Designated flight paths to avoid scaring the livestock” or the immensely unpopular “Treasure Redistribution Program.” Watch in dismay as your dragon vetoes every suggestion and proposes a new constitution based on "might makes right."

Turns out, fire-breathing despots aren't big on sharing power. Who knew?

Remember, the secret to dragon training is creativity, persistence, and a really, really good insurance policy. May your singed eyebrows be a badge of honor in your quest for draconic companionship!

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